Fuma Honda TVC – it’s just what I want
Recently, Honda has released the new serials of New Fuma. It’s the 2nd cooperation with Greataction after ‘War Leopard. The TVC recruits the top creative team, director Luo and production team as the key core. Also we invited the experienced Taiwan photographer Billy and 1st class post production Mike CG’s Team to build this TVC together.
The actor in the TVC is a designer who has his own unique idea about designing. Through his eyes, the video shows the wonderful masterpieces from the modern architecture, an elegant ballet dancer, a speedy horse to the CBS double braking system of Fuma Honda. It shows the golden ration of Fuma. ‘ It’s just what I want’ ‘let’s walk into the New Fuma world to explore the beauty’.
The website link of the Honda TVC is as follow
Video address:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTI3MDIxODI5Mg==.html?from=y1.7-1.2